ETEC 501 Intro

12 04 2010

Hello Everyone. My name is Robert Fleck, and I am a fourth grade teacher at Andrew Jackson Elementary in Indio, which is located in the Coachella Valley. I have been teaching for approximately 12 years. I am currently enrolled in the Master’s Program at CSUSB in Instructional Technology. It is my goal to someday to either be working with teachers on how to use technology in the classroom, or become a computer teacher at the middle or high school level in helping young students access knowledge through the use of technology to engage students to find meaning within their own learning. I am also interested in the area of curriculum development, with technology as the  component that will drive instruction. I feel that e-learning is a step in that direction.

I am currently at the tail end of my thesis project, and that it is the actual writing process. It probably is the hardest part for me, even though I enjoy writing. I must admit, that part of the reason for taking the e-certificate classes is to keep me enrolled as I work through this process. I have been putting this project off for too long, and I need to finish. My professors have been very patient with me, and have been supportive, and have guided me the best they can, and I appreciate everything they have done for me. Ultimately, it is me that needs to make it happen. My friend, and work partner Kathy has also been a blessing and has really been there when I have struggle with this project. I have given myself to the end of fall quarter 2010 as my target finish date. I just can’t wait any longer. 

The project itself is the creation of parent’s webpage whereby parents could access information, and learning modules that parents can use to help their children with their school work. It is also meant to be a way to get parents more involved with their children and there education and learning. In addition it is also meant to be a link to open up communication between parents and the school.  In researching this project I found that this could be a viable tool used to open channels, where at one time, there were very few or no channels open. Kathy has been gracious enough to help me upgrade the site within the next few months.

The main reasons I am pursuing the e-certificate and want to learn more about e-learning is that I think it will be the vehicle of instruction in the future. E-learning is growing rapidly across college and university campuses across the country at an alarming rate. Even high schools are beginning to see how this valuable tool or process has increasing opportunities for young students to actively participate in their own learning. It will allow more flexibility to learn and access new information at a pace that will work for them. So many of these students learn in new and different ways than myself or people my age or older. Their understanding and knowledge of technology greatly exceeds most of us. So, isn’t it extremely important to give them the tools to access knowledge and create meaning on their own terms of about what they have learned? I think so.

Perhaps my greatest interest in learning more about e-learning is helping it find its way to the elementary level. I would like to be there when it happens, and be a part of making it happen. Currently, it is happening in a few places in the U.S. In going to a number of technology conferences each year, I see that the possibilities and the opportunities are out there. More schools and school districts need to make the jump and be a part of the wave of the future when it comes to teaching and learning.

The experience with e-learning design and development and e-learning in general has been minimal. I took ETEC 674 with Dr. Newberry last quarter. He exposed us to a number of technologies we could utilize in creating a online class that students could access information, get assignments, take tests, get scheduling information, and work on projects related to the material. He also introduced us to strategies and criteria need to set-up a successful online class. In addition, I took a Dreamweaver where we created an online website. Dr. Baek was the instructor for this course. Much of this course was online. I have throughout my Master’s Program taken online classes where I have seen and worked with the e-learning model through the courses the instructors set up for us. It it is now just a matter of taking that knowledge and putting it to work for me in creating my own e-learning/online classes.

I am looking forward to the this next class and reconnecting with Dr. Baek. I am also looking to be able to take this new knowledge and make it work for me. Again, I look to my mentors, teachers, and friends who have been there for me, and have helped to reach my goals and aspirations.



4 responses

12 04 2010

Well I guess you made it back from what seemed to be a wonderful trip with your sons in Texas. This class looks to be very interesting. We should brainstorm about the final project on the way to the Tech Ed Conference on Tuesday. Kathy

12 04 2010

You might also want to go and change the date and time on the blog page. It is set wrong like mine was last quarter.

16 04 2010
Donna Shea

Robert, I enjoyed writing my master’s thesis. Having readers was very helpful. I had a total of 8, 4 off campus and 4 on campus. I encourage you to find readers for your thesis. Your project is wonderful. Helping parents connect and communicate with the teacher and school site is important to foster learning for the youth. Youth need a support system in place and discipline needs to be collective. I read an article some years ago about a high school in New Jersey that had laptops they checked out to all the students. It was funded by a grant and a successful program. I believe that may be the way to get a computer into every household. What do you think?

16 04 2010
Dr. Baek

Hi Robert,
I am very glad that I can work with you and Kathy again. I enjoyed watching you two helping each other and being faithful study buddies.
For your thesis, You can DO it! You are very close to the end. Be disciplined and make a progress each day even though it is very little.
Gradually we see more online learning in K-12 schools. Let’s keep thinking about how we can effectively incorporate it into especially elementary schools. Keep up the good work!

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